450 MHz - 6 GHz

High Power RC IED Jammer Antenna
Vehicle, Tower or Tripod Mounting
Electrically Small
Passive Transmit
Wideband Test
Wideband Communications
Wideband Electronic Warfare (EW & ECM)
5G OmniDirectional Antenna
Shown with Antenna, LNA & Mag Mount
Standard Version
HP (High Power) Version
The BM-05G antenna is very wide band, electrically small biconical monopole antenna designed for wideband communications systems or electronic warfare without requiring large antennas or tuning systems.
The antenna is housed and sealed in a rugged radome to insure long life and electrical repeatability.
The BM-05G is an extremely wide band test and operations antenna designed to covering the 5G bands of operation (450 MHz to 6 GHz).
Applicable Bands: UHF, L, S, C & 5G
5G NR frequency bands (Frequency Range 1): n1 - n98 (n96 to 6GHz)
Each product is tested to insure electrical performance. Your out of the box electrical performance will meet your requirements. Each part is machined then measured to insure mechanical specifications are met. This insures fit and long term mechanical performance.
Electrical Specifications
Model: BM-05G
Frequency: 450 MHz - 6 GHz
Gain (see gain plot): 50 Watts CW (Standard ver.)
200 Watts CW (High Power ver.)
Polarization: Linear (vertical)
VSWR: 3.0:1 maximum
Beamwidth: 360 x 85 Degrees (Fo)
Mechanical Specifications
Dimensions: 7.75" x 3.0 Diameter
9.36" x 3.0" Diameter with LNA
Weight: 31 oz. (1.3125 lbs.)
44 oz. (2.75 lbs.) with LNA
68 oz. (4.25 lbs.) with LNA & Mag Mount
Connector: SMA (female) Standard ver.
Type-N (female) High Power ver.
Temperature: -40° to +51°C
Environmental: Full mil-810 tested - temperature, shock and vibration
PRC COM BM-05G Performance Chart

BM-05G Biconical Monopole Radiation Pattern

PRC COM BM-05G Low Noise Amplifier (LNA)
100 MHz - 6 GHz

Low Noise Amplifier with power supply
The BM-05G LNA is a wide band low noise amplifier that covers 100 MHz to 6 GHz with a nominal gain of 19 dB and NF of 0.3 dB.
The LNA mounts to the bottom of the BM-05G antenna.
Mounting attachments are attached to the bottom of the LNA.
Electrical Specifications
Model: BM-05G LNA
Frequency: 100 MHz - 6 GHz
Gain: 19dB
Noise Figure: 0.3 dB
Mechanical Specifications
Dimensions: 1.6" x 3.0" diameter
Weight: 13 oz. (0.8125 lbs.)
Temperature: -40° to +51°C
Environmental: Full mil-810 temperature, shock and vibration
PRC COM BM-05G Antenna Flight Case
BM-05G Flight Case

The optional flight case can be used for both storage and transport.
Shown here with optional Mag Mount and LNA attachment (BM-05G Kit).
PRC COM BM-05G Magnetic Mount

BM-05G Magnetic Mount
Magnetic Mount
Size: 4.925" diameter x 0.5" tall
Weight: 1 lb 8oz (1.67 lbs.)
Pull Force: 200 lbs.
Other Mounts Available:
Car Mount
Pole Mount
Thick Rubber Mount
Truck Mirror Mount
Custom Mount for Your Application
Attached to roof of SUV

PRC COM BM-05G & BM-05GHP Antenna Kits

Available as
BM-05G (50W) Kit
BM-05GHP (200W) Kit
The BM-05G is a very wide band, omnidirectional, electrically small biconical antenna designed to allow coverage of the UHF Band, L Band, S Band and C Band, communications bands without need of tuning systems.
The very wide bandwidth will also transmit fast rise pulses with high fidelity for HPM operations.
This rugged antenna is portable easily shipped/stored and can be set up and operational in a matter of minutes.
Kit: Antenna, LNA, Mag Mount & Case
PRC COM BM-100-2000 Biconical Monopole Antenna

BM-100-2000 Antenna
The BM-100-2000 is a very wide band, electrically small biconical antenna designed to allow coverage of the VHF Band, UHF Band & L Band, communications bands without need of tuning systems.
The very wide bandwidth will also transmit fast rise pulses with high fidelity for HPM operations.
This rugged antenna is portable easily shipped/stored and can be set up and operational in a matter of minutes.
Frequency: 100MHz to 2GHz
Gain: 3.8dB (Fo)
Power: 100 Watts
Polarization: Vertical
VSWR: 3.0:1 (Max)
HPBW: 360° x 85° (Fo)
Kit: Antenna, LNA, Mag Mount & Case
BM-100-2000 Antenna
Biconical Monophone Antenna Information